• AML Foods Limited AML  + 6.10
  • Bahamas First Holding Limited BFH  + 2.20
  • Bank of Bahamas BOB  + 4.40
  • Cable Bahamas CAB  + 3.61
  • Commonwealth Bank Ltd. CBL  + 5.03
  • Commonwealth Brewery CBB  + 11.24
  • Doctors Hospital DHS  + 10.49
  • Famguard FAM  + 6.10
  • Finco FIN  + 15.00
  • FirstCaribbean CIB  + 15.92
  • Focol FCL  + 6.40
  • Focol Class B Perpetual Preference FCLB  + 1.00
  • J S Johnson JSJ  + 16.76

Corporate Services

Our team is business oriented just like you.

Servicing both local and international clientele.

Leno is licensed under the Financial and Corporate Service Providers Act, 2000. We provide corporate administrative services to both local and international clients.

The services include:

  • Incorporation and Dissolutions of Bahamian Domestic Companies
  • Incorporation and Dissolutions of International Business Companies (IBCs)
  • Continuations
  • Establishment of Foundations
  • Establishment of Investment Condominiums
  • Registered Office and Registered Agent Services
  • Business License Application and Renewals
  • VAT/TIN Application and Filing
  • Nominee Shareholders
  • Corporate Directorship(s)
  • Corporate Secretary
  • Company Searches


Contact us for more information.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our minimum incorporation fee is $1000 (exclusive of disbursements).

An IBC must have at least one (1) Director.

The names of the shareholder(s) of an IBC do not appear on a public register.

The register of directors and officers must be filed at the Companies Registry.

Yes, an IBC must have a registered office and registered agent in The Bahamas.

The annual fee to maintain an IBC is $1,500 (authorized capital of $50,000 or below, exclusive of disbursements).

The annual fee to maintain a Company under the provisions of the Companies Act is $500 if the Company is more than 60% Bahamian owned or $1,500 if the Company is less than 60% Bahamian owned, exclusive of disbursements.

A simple liquidation can be accomplished in a matter of approximately four (4) weeks.

Shares can be issued to nominee shareholders provided by Leno which certainly increases the level of confidentiality. However, this does not relieve the beneficial owner of their duty to report their interest, if so required, to their home tax authority.

All financial institutions of any description, both onshore and offshore, now have to identify their clients, monitor their transactions, understand their business and know where, when and how a client has accumulated wealth.

It is an important legal requirement that is the starting point of the due diligence process that is required before any regulated operator is allowed to take you on as a client. This is based on the same reasoning and rational that requires you to prove the source of your assets. As a financial & corporate services provider, it is a legal requirement to obtain and verify this information before doing business as criminal activities and terrorist financing can only function by having access to untraceable funds.


Corporate Services

Start The Conversation About Your Financial Future

    At Leno, we know that one size does not fit all. Our team of experts work to design the perfect plan for you. Let’s get you started on a future that you can be proud of...